Monday, 28 December 2015

Reiki Courses – Distance and Home Based Reiki Learning with Godawari healthcare

What Is reiki ?


Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.
The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."

What is a Reiki Attunement?

A reiki attuement is achieved through a process called an initiation, which involves the opening of the spiritual channel in the student by the Reiki Master, so that Reiki energy flows through the student, thus allowing them to heal both themselves and family members after reiki level 1. There are three formal levels of initiation and each reiki attunement opens up the participant to higher levels of healing and understanding Universal Spirituality. The reiki attunement is almost always a special spiritual experience for the participant.
   When you receive a reiki attunement from a qualified reiki master you are automatically attuned to Universal Healing Energy. This can then be used for healing others, the self, distant and world. Once you have received a Reiki attunement, you will have Reiki for the remainder of your life. It does not wear off and you can never lose it. While one reiki attunement is all you need for each level to be attuned to that level, additional reiki attunements bring benefit.
   It is very easy to learn Reiki. No special background or knowledge is required, so anyone of any age can learn and practice it. Attunements are given by a Reiki Master and there are three formal levels of initiation.

1) Level 1

   At this level the initiate is permanently attuned and connected to the Reiki source of healing energy (you receive the reiki attunement to Level 1). Once initiated it allows a person to performing healing on one and others. This level deals with physical issues in allowing the body to open up more to allow it to channel more reiki energy.
What you will learn in reiki 1
*The Level 1 Attunement.
*Personal Healing Session.
* History of Reiki.
*Uses of Reiki.
* Introduction to the 7 chakras.
* Reiki hand positions for treating oneself.
*  Reiki hand positions for treating others.
* Manual.
*meditation & sadhana CD
* Reiki Certificate

2) Level 2

   The initiate is attuned again to better connect with energies that heal mental and emotional issues and that can travel across any distance and time (You receive the reiki attunement to Level 2). You can practice sending distance healing to your friends and family, even animals. The power symbol learned can be used to help focus energy for specific purposes.

What you will learn in reiki 2
*The Level II Attunement.
*Personal Healing Session.
* Learning the Reiki II symbols
*Distance reiki healing symbols
*Special symbols (for special issues)
* How to use these symbols.
*Sadhana CDs, & music

3) Level 3

  Level III is 400% powerful than LEVEL II because of 2 Golden Symbols.  All the Reiki energy is unlocked when attuned to this level. A greater understanding of the energy is achieved as it is grounded more into your consciousness and your entire being. At this level the initiate will be able to perform Reiki attunements to others. One must have been previously attuned to Level 1 and 2 in order to receive this level.
What you will learn in reiki 3

*The Level III Attunement.
*Personal Healing Session.
*Learning the Reiki III symbols which are the most powerful symbols.
*Methods of meditation for self improvement.
*Meditations for career, health, wealth and relationships.
*Chakra meditations.
*Colour meditations.
*Karuna Reiki symbols & their uses
*Some special Healing Techniques.
*Crystal healing (optional)
*Crystal set (optional)
*Sadhana CDs , Healing CDs & music

Reasons why our distance attunements are so powerful

One student is attune at a time makes our channel more expose to Reiki energy

No interference of personal energies of teacher as a result students are fully under the only purest form of Reiki symbolism.

Our on call attunement is associated with personal healing session followed by main attunement process making our student to expose their innermost conscious to energies so as to channelize the Reiki 400 times more than even workshop based Attunements.

No need to go anywhere, just join from your home by distance Reiki learning certificate course and start your own career in Reiki & Holistic Healing. 

Visit us for more information at or call Dr ANUPAM on +917385016383 , Call At 09049220218 Or what’s app at +917385016383

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